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Whirlpool freezer freezing up

Whirlpool freezer freezing up. A Whirlpool freezer is a kitchen appliance that works with the help of electricity, and it is used to preserve food and keep it frozen.

Along with this, the whirlpool refrigerator has many other advantages too. For example, frozen food in the whirlpool refrigerator is also free of bacteria, and you can enjoy healthy food by keeping it in your freezer.

To eliminate this problem causing your Whirlpool freezer to freeze, you need to find out what is wrong with the whirlpool freezer.

Whirlpool freezer freezing up

Whirlpool freezer freezing up issue 2022

The following are some reasons why your Whirlpool freezer is freezing up.

Evaporator coil is faulty

If you are facing the problem of the whirlpool freezer freezing up, then there is a possibility that the Evaporator coil of the whirlpool freezer is damaged or malfunctioning.

The purpose of the Evaporator coil in a Whirlpool freezer is to keep the inside of your freezer chilly. If due, for any reason, there is any fault in this evaporator coil, then this can cause the whirlpool freezer to freeze up.

Solution to this problem

To solve this problem, you may need to check whether the evaporator coil is working. If the evaporator coil is not working properly, you may need to replace this old and faulty Evaporator coil with a new one.

Defrost timer is damaged

Another common reason your whirlpool freezer is freezing up can be due to the defrost timer of the whirlpool freezer.

The defrost timer of the whirlpool freezer is often not working, which makes the whirlpool freezer function abnormally.

This defrost timer needs to be repaired as soon as possible because problems in this defrost timer of your whirlpool freezer cause the freezer to freeze.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be easily solved by replacing the defective defrost timer with a new one. You need to inspect what is wrong with the defrost timer. Once you’ve known the cause, then you can easily get it replaced and repaired.

Gasket is damaged

Door seal is broken

Another common reason that your whirlpool freezer is freezing up can be due to the door seal of the freezer that is broken or faulty.

When the door of the freezer is closed, no kind of air can enter, and this keeps the temperature of the freezer low to freeze.

But if due, for any reason, the seal of the door is broken or is damaged, then this can cause the warm air to move inside the freezer.

When combined, this warm air and humid air cause the freezer to freeze. This causes your whirlpool freezer not to function properly.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be solved by closing the door of your whirlpool freezer and checking if you see any gaps or leaks in the door’s seal or your freezer’s gasket.

If you notice that the door seal of the whirlpool freezer is damaged, you need to replace it with a new one.

Defrost thermostat is not working

Another reason can be the broken or damaged defrost thermostat. Defrost the thermostat in a whirlpool freezer is mainly present at the back of the whirlpool freezer.

The main purpose of this defrost thermostat in a whirlpool freezer is to tell the heater when to turn on and when to defrost the evaporator coils.

If this defrost thermostat is not working, then this can cause the whirlpool freezer to freeze up.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be solved by replacing the faulty defrost thermostat with a new one. In this way, you can easily solve the problem of the whirlpool freezer
freezing up.


Whirlpool freezers play a key role in people’s daily lives. If you are facing the problem of your whirlpool freezer that is freezing up, then you need to get it checked that what is causing the freezer to freeze up. As keeping your food preserved without a freezer can be tough. So by following the above steps, you can easily get your freezer repaired by yourself without needing any professional help.

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