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How To Store Firewood To Avoid Termites

How to store firewood to avoid termites? Termites can be quite a nuisance for many folks, not only damaging firewood and wooden structures around the house such as decking, fencing and storage sheds.

But also ruining expensive flooring, roofing and furniture such as TVs, clothes or kitchen worktops by eating away at wood.

They are small in size but very effective at causing destruction to your home or property if not treated quickly.

We’ll talk about the most common types of pests like termites that affect both homes and commercial properties on this site and offer practical tips on dealing with each type of infestation in turn.

How To Store Firewood To Avoid Termites

store firewood to avoid termites

As a general rule of thumb per local fire ordinances, it’s advised to store your firewood no less than 20 feet from your home and eight inches off the ground.

Make sure that your firewood is covered when it’s raining in an area with plenty of sunlight and that shouldn’t be too hard considering you’d have to cover it anyway to keep it dry.

It’s important to keep your wood dry because not only does it protect against termites but, unlike wet wood, dry wood burns much better which helps prevent a buildup of creosote in chimneys.

We will discuss here methods that how we can store firewood to avoid termites.

1. Store the firewood log pile in a dry location

One of the best ways to avoid termites is by not letting your firewood get too wet. Preventing the wood from getting moist will slow down the rotting process and keep your firewood pile nice and toasty.

If you store your firewood in an area exposed to moisture, that can cause it to rot away much faster—and leave you with dampwood and subterranean termites.

Installing a shelter over your pile so that it’s kept undercover is a great way to protect it from exposure. This can be done by either laying wood over a protective tarp or covering them with roofing sheets.

By doing this, you’ll keep the excess water from saturating the wood and destroying everything inside!

2. Maintain a Clean Yard

Keeping an eye on the luscious greenery in your backyard is a great way to make sure you don’t attract termites.

Making sure there are no rotting pieces of firewood or old tree branches or tree stumps lying around, is a great first deterrent to keep unwanted pests or insects away.

When it comes to ridding your garden of unwanted pests, keeping your plants watered isn’t necessarily wrong; but overwatering them can lead to a dirt trap for bugs.

This means that the moisture tends to gather at their base where fungus and mildew then grows, making them very attractive to insects like termites.

3. Covering Firewood

Covering your firewood is a simple way to keep termites at bay. Because they prefer wet or damp wood, keeping it dry and preventing moisture buildup will make it unappealing to them.

Using a dark, plastic cover, such as a tarp, also keeps termites at bay in another way: heat rising from the ground will kill them.

So, if you can gather your firewood during the summer months, when temperatures are higher and hot air rises from the ground beneath your feet, it will be easier for you to prepare wintertime warmth because there will be fewer insects inside the wood to distract you.

4. Use Termite Granules Around Firewood

Termite granules are like little concrete barriers that protect against termites from harming your house. Sprinkle them around the firewood, water them, and you’re done!

There’s nothing else to do; it’s so simple! Because termite granules are completely organic in nature, they are an excellent solution for people who are allergic to pesticides.

When reapplied, termite granules can effectively and efficiently rid your home or business of termites for six months to a year, making them one of the most popular pest control methods available today.


Should firewood be covered outside?

Firewood stored outside needs to be covered in protective materials like tarps so that it doesn’t get damaged by snow and rain.

But firewood can be stored indoors without having to worry too much about damaging it because technically it’s already protected from wet weather.

What is the best way to store firewood outside?

Firewood should be stored outside rather than inside the house or garage. If at all possible, bundle the wood neatly with the outside of the logs exposed to air circulation.

Place it on plastic sheeting or in a wooden log store bin if storing on a concrete surface (ideally) or the ground.

Avoid covering your firewood stack with the tree branches from which it came, as this may attract insects and ruin the wood.


An identified termite is one that is deemed by a local inspector to pose a threat to human health and/or the marketability or value of a residential, commercial, or industrial property. Pest control can be done in various ways such as through elimination of harborage areas, elimination of food sources, and by physical removal of the organism itself. By taking care when storing firewood you can avoid being served termites instead!

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