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How To Find Bed Bugs During The Day

How to find bed bugs during the day? It’s frustrating to wake up with pests in your home and wish they would disappear.

Unfortunately, this wish probably isn’t going to come true. Bed bugs are masterful at hiding from humans.

This guide will teach you where bed bugs hide during the day so you can start getting rid of them immediately!

Plus, learn three steps for finding bed bugs before they bite, plus some helpful tips for dealing with bed bugs that escape even the most eagle-eyed person’s gaze.

How To Find Bed Bugs During the Day

find bed bugs during the day time

Bed bugs are biters that generally come out at night and prefer to take a blood meal in the dead of the night.

However they will also look for human hosts during daylight hours or cloudy nights due to hunger.

Especially when no people have slept in an infested bed for some time and there needs to be replenishment for keeping the bed bug population strong.

1. Prepare the tools and brighten up the room

Bed bugs are small insects that bite while you sleep. It’s quite difficult to notice these creepy crawlers during the daytime because they usually hide in dark places.

However, brightening up the room will help see them better. We suggest you remove any sheets or curtains so that light can permeate the area and make it easier to spot any bed bugs hiding anywhere.

To find bed bugs during the day, we recommend using a magnifying glass, credit card, or a headlamp with a steady beam of light.

Alternatively, if you’re still having difficulty pinning down bed bug locations during the day, try using the flashlight app on your smartphone instead.

2. Beware of hiding places for bedbugs and eliminate them

Although bed bugs can’t fly, they do have the ability to travel great distances. Hence, these nasty insects are capable of hiding in a wide variety of places around your home.

The places bed bugs could be hiding include – Dresser drawers – Carpets and rugs – Tiny gaps and cracks on furniture and wooden floor – Behind photo frames and wall décor – Headboards and footboards – Soft upholstered furniture like accent chairs and couches.

Of course, it is possible for you to find proof that there are or have been bed bugs in your home. But sometimes, you won’t find evidence of their presence if they hide well enough.

That is why it is vital to hire an exterminator that provides detection services and treatments.

3. Bed bugs often hide in hiding places, so look for their tracks

Your next step is to find signs of bed bugs or bed bug tracks. Unless you’re witnessing an infestation of a particularly large caliber, these signs are subtle.

But in the case of a heavy infestation, the symptoms of being exposed to a significant amount of these insects will be apparent. Another clue is bite marks on your body that look like small red welts which resembles it.

Bed bug trackers include exoskeletons left behind after the insect molts, dead carcasses, and egg sacs located in warm areas like your bed and sofa cushions, along with their nests scattered around heat sources such as bedposts, electric outlets, and baseboards where they tend to hide out during the day.

Make sure that if you’re trying to hunt down a few sneaky critters, you have an excellent magnifying glass at hand to see what might otherwise be invisible but present.

Do bed bugs feed at night?

A bed bug feeds only once in two to three weeks, so it will take a single bed bug approximately two to three weeks to provide six times.

If you are getting bitten every night and you have a one-bed bug, that means you have at least six of them because it takes each bed bug about two weeks to consume enough blood to become capable of reproducing!

So if you think your problem starts small but becomes increasingly worse every day – and there are 100 bites by the end of a week, for example – then you might have an infestation.

Are bed bugs active during the day?

Bed bugs tend to hide during the day. One myth associated with bed bugs is that they are active during the daytime, but this is not true.

While it’s true, they will hide out near their host’s location instead of moving around freely from room to room; if you haven’t seen them during the day, you’re one step ahead of them.

And this time can be used to your advantage! You can use it to look for signs of bed bug activity (tiny brown specks or black spots on bedding and furniture, for example) and ways in which you can seal off spaces where bedbugs detect the presence of their host.

By looking for signs during the daytime, you won’t agitate any live bugs still hiding out until nighttime when they come out and begin feeding.


This guide also reveals where bed bugs like to hide and why you shouldn’t use any bug bombs to eliminate them.

These hiding bed bugs will come out at night because they are nocturnal to get their blood meals. And they’ll bite you.

To know more about preventing the hiding bedbugs from biting you, read our post on what you can put on your body to stop bed bug bites.

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