
How To Measure Baby Weight at Home

How to measure baby weight at home. Everyone wants to know how much their baby weighs, especially parents, the first time they bring their new bundle of joy home.

Of course, you can always take your child to the doctor for an accurate weight check, but why go through all this trouble when you can do it yourself? In this article, we have discussed several ways on how to measure baby weight at home.

Parents who want an accurate measurement of their baby’s weight can use several everyday household items to find an approximate number.

Knowing your little one’s weight allows you to monitor his health more closely and reassure you that he is growing properly.

How To Measure Baby Weight at Home

Here are some ways to measure baby weight at home:

Weighing Scales

weighting scale to measure baby weight at home

The simplest and most accurate way of measuring your baby’s weight is by using a weighing scale.

If you have one, use it at home to weigh your child regularly and keep tabs on how much he weighs every day. This way, you can monitor his progress in a short period.

Your doctor may also tell you the normal range for a newborn when measured using a weighing scale according to their weight percentile.

Make sure that you do not deviate too far from this range because there could be something wrong with your little one, even if they seem perfectly healthy in all other ways.

Water Displacement Method

This is probably the simplest way to measure how much your kid weighs, especially if you are looking for an estimation. You can use this method at home or when you’re on the go too.

All you need is a broader container than your baby and then fill it with water, making sure that there are no air bubbles in the mix, which could affect its overall weight.

If possible, use distilled water because this is known to be more accurate than tap or drinking water. It may take some time to get the measurement right by adding or subtracting water, so try not to rush the process not to skew your results.

Steps to Measure Baby’s Weight

  1. Wrap the baby in a towel like you would for an average weighing measurement.
  2. Put the baby in the container with water so that he is lying down with his head at the bottom of the container and his feet poking out.
  3. Get an accurate reading of how much weight is inside the container using your scales or another method.
  4. Fill up or empty your container, depending on whether you are looking for an increase or decrease in weight. The amount of water you put into your measuring device should equal how much your child weighs according to their length percentile.

Weight Tape Method

The more you know about your baby’s growth, the easier it will be to care for them better. You’ll also understand more about their development if you keep track of how much they weigh on a routine basis.

This is why some parents have decided to use a weight tape to measure how much their child weighs.

Using this tool is pretty convenient and straightforward mainly because you can easily slip it into your bag so that you can bring it along wherever you go with your little one.

You will need a weight tape to measure how much your baby weighs at home or when out and about with them. This device could cost anywhere between USD 5 for a disposable model up to USD 30, depending on the brand name and the level of accuracy.

Use A Standard Weight Chart

The most accurate way to measure your baby’s weight is by using a pediatrician’s standard or average length and height charts since they have been calibrated for this purpose after years of testing.

The growth of babies can vary from child to child, regardless of how healthy they are. Hence, you must check out the standards from someone who knows a lot about infant development, such as a doctor or a nurse, to get more precise information about their progress.

This method also allows you to keep track of their growth without purchasing any expensive devices because all you have to do is take some measurements with a non-stretchable measuring tape and compare them against the norm found on medical charts.

Using A Baby Scale

baby scale to measure baby weight at home

Using an infant scale is another way to accurately measure your baby’s weight (more so if they are newborns) since it calculates the results based on their length and height.

Making it more precise than simply comparing them against growth standards.

Most scales contain memory chips which will store important information about the measurements, date of weighing, baby’s name, birth date, and time of day (to keep the records straight).

Things You Can Do to Increase Baby’s Weight

1. Increase Your Milk Supply

There are a lot of benefits for nursing moms who intend to keep their babies healthy and happy, but you’ll also find it easier to put some weight on them when they start growing because breastmilk contains around 90 calories per every 100 grams.

Baby’s who continue consuming this form of milk will maintain a healthy level of nutrition, so breastfeeding is the preferred method among most pediatricians.

2. Keep Your Child Active

It is recommended that you have your child do at least 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise a day so that they can burn off enough energy.

This will help them sleep better and give them a chance to take a nap, ensuring their bodies get the rest they need even though they are moving around all the time.

It also helps if they are exposed to natural light because it helps promote healthy weight gain.

3. Limit Junk Foods and Sugar Intake

Along with playing a lot, you also need to keep junk food intake as low as possible since these foods contain a lot of sugar and fat, making your child fatter without having any nutritional value.

Also, try not to drink too much soda and make sure they get enough water every day.

4. Provide Your Baby with Vitamin Supplements If Necessary

Although it is best to get all of your baby’s nutrients from food, some kids will have a hard time eating or drinking the right things on their own.

In this case, you need to supplement their diets with one or more food additives (like Flintstones and Vitafusion) and make sure they take it every day as recommended.

5. Familiarize Yourself with Baby’s Normal Behavior

It is also essential that you know how your child typically behaves so you can notice whether there is anything out of the ordinary going on, like unusual weight gain.

If you see anything unusual, it is best to consult your pediatrician to know exactly what’s happening and determine the best way to deal with their health problems as quickly as possible so they can get back on track ASAP.

How Often Should You Weight the Baby?

how often should you weight your baby

There is no standard rule regarding weighing your child, so this will depend on their age, weight, and overall health or illness.

For instance, newborns are typically checked at least once every week because they are still developing during these initial few days.

How Much Does a Newborn Baby Weigh?

A lot of factors affect the weight of a newborn baby. A mother’s weight before and during pregnancy, rate of fatal growth, and even genetics can influence how much your child weighs at birth.

Generally, an average baby weighs 7 ½ pounds (3.4 kilograms) at birth, but there is no standard answer to this question because every child develops differently.

It’s pretty easy to weigh your infant without too much trouble. One thing you can be sure of is that most healthy infants will gain around 10 ounces every week, with an average of about 24 pounds for the first year.

Knowing the approximate weight might also help determine if your child needs vitamins or extra food that you may not have thought about before.

This way, it will show whether or not they need any supplements or if their eating habits are every day; gaining more than the usual amount of weight could indicate that they are not getting enough nutrition in their regular food intake.

Is There a Weight Difference in The Gender Of Babies?

weight difference between gender of babies

There is a common misconception that newborn boys are usually heavier than newborn girls. Babies of the same age and size have been proven to weigh the same regardless of their gender.

You can expect your infant to gain on average between 11-14 ounces per week throughout their first six months.

Afterward, they should slow down the following year before leveling off at about two pounds each month from 18 months to 2 years old.

Knowing your child’s weight can help you keep an eye on his growth and point out any potential problems. If your baby weighs more or less than other children in his age group, it’s a good idea to consult with a doctor for advice.


It is easy for you to underestimate how much your baby weighs, but you must have a pretty good idea of what they look like from head to toe so you can contact the doctor if anything unusual happens.

The best way to do this is by getting a scale and putting them on there once or twice a week – make sure not to jostle them about during these weigh-in sessions.

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