
Why does my dryer keep tangling laundry

Why does my dryer keep tangling laundry. If your laundry is tangling up, the first thing to consider is what you’re drying. Sheets and blankets are often the culprits because they’re long and large.

They just tend to twist up in the drying process. If this is only happening with those items of clothing, then there’s likely not a problem.

But if you notice it with other items of clothing too, then you’ll want to investigate the following problems and plan how to best address them.

Why does my dryer keep tangling laundry

dryer keep tangling laundry 2022 guide

We will discuss here the reasons for tangling laundry.

Static Electricity

Static electricity is something that happens naturally and is caused by different things rubbing together, like different kinds of fabrics.

When hot air is present, it can create the perfect conditions for static electricity to occur. Some fibers build up static charges more easily than others, especially synthetic fibers.

This can cause your clothing to stick together and end up tangled when you put it in the dryer.

Dryer Belt

The dryer belt is a key component to your dryer. Think of it as a large, elastic rubber strap – around one or two centimeters wide – that goes around the drum.

It’s what allows the drum to spin and move. If the belt is defective, it can prevent the drum from functioning properly.

If the belt becomes too loose or snaps, the laundry won’t be spun and won’t dry. If that happens, you’ll need to replace the belt.

Overfilled the dryer

Overfilled the dryer

When the dryer is full or overfilled, it can be more difficult for the drum to turn which can cause laundry to become knotted and tangled.

It’s important to respect the maximum load size specified by the manufacturer to avoid damaging clothing, using more energy, or leaving clothes wrinkled.

As a general rule, only put in as much laundry as you think the machine can handle.

Laundry Is Not Loaded Accurately

Be sure to evenly distribute your laundry in the drum to prevent any tangling. Each article of clothing should be loaded in separately.

Wherever possible, try not to dry too many different types of laundry together. For example, underwear and T-shirts have a tendency of working their way inside a duvet cover, which can result in a wet or poorly-dried wad of clothing.

You can avoid this by using mesh laundry bags to keep different types of clothing sorted.


How do I avoid tangled sheets in the dryer?

If you’re using a dryer to help with your laundry, there are a few things you can do to help the process along. First, put the wet sheets in the dryer with 3 dryer balls.

The balls help keep everything from getting too tangled, and they also help reduce the amount of time the sheets spend in the dryer. Second, set the timer for 20 minutes.

Once the timer goes off, open the dryer and take the sheets out. Finally, untangle the sheets so they’re ready to be hung up or put away.

How many dryer balls do you use simultaneously?

Depending on the size of your laundry load, you’ll want to use a certain number of dryer balls. For smaller to medium-sized loads, 3 balls should do it.

If you’re doing a larger load, you’ll want to use 5-7 balls. And for extra-large loads, you may need to go as high as 8-12 balls.


We hope you found this blog helpful. While it’s true that sheets and blankets are often to blame for tangling up, it’s very important to also consider what you’re drying them with. If you’re using a lint remover, that may be all you need. If you’re still having issues, however, you may be dealing with a larger problem.

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