
5 Common Summer Stains and How To Remove Them

5 common summer stains and how to remove them. Summertime is filled with lots of great fun where we get to enjoy our favorite warm-weather activities and foods.

Summer living can make your family’s clothing vulnerable to stains and more occurring common summer stains.

Unfortunately, a few spills here and there can threaten to put a damper on things. Spending time outdoors during summer activities, you will have stains.

There are plenty of indoor and outdoor games; when kids play in rainy weather, stains are sure to happen. We’ve discussed common summer stains and gave solution on how to remove stains.

Let the kids have their fun and deal with commonly occurring stains later.

5 Common Summer Stains and How To Remove Them

guide on 5 common summer stains and how to remove them

Here are 5 commonly occurring summer stains:

Grass Stains

Grass probably tops the list as one of the most common summer stains. These stains on clothing are common and can happen from playing outside or working in the yard.

We’re often out enjoying the sunshine, and children, in particular, tend to get their clothes full of grass stains.


Treat the grass stains with a heavy-duty liquid detergent or a stain remover that is full of enzymes. This will help the colour disintegrate before you wash it.

Gently work the stain remover or detergent with a soft brush and let it sit for around 15 minutes. Then, wash the garment in the warmest water allowed.

If the stain is stubborn, soak the cloth in warm water and non-chlorine bleach for several hours. Rewash it. Repeat the above steps as necessary until the stains are gone.

Berries Stains

Blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, and strawberries are healthy and delicious but can leave stains that are very difficult to remove from fabric.

These are like a detonated bomb. Older colours of berries are much more difficult to remove.


First of all, lift the berry from the surface (whether it’s a cloth, carpet etc.) with a dull knife or card, whatever you are having at that time. Keep that in mind that do not rub because this will press the stain deeper into the fabric.

Wash the fabric with iced water. Flush the wrong side of the material to force out the colour if the paint had dried, use a stain remover to pretreat the stain or try sponging it with lemon juice.

Again flush with water. If you still see the colour, try soaking overnight in heavy-duty detergent and repeat the process until the stains are gone.

Sweat Stain

seat stain on shirt

Sweat is colourless and it is most common summer stains. It’s a reaction between your effort, the bacteria on your skin and your deodorant that causes the staining, and it is the most common type of stain that occurs in summer.

With a high temperature, it’s common for sweat to build up under the armpits of your shirt.


Mix 1 cup of white vinegar with two cups of warm water. Let the stained fabric soak in the mixture for about 30 minutes. If the stain is still there, flush with hydrogen peroxide (it has a bleach-like effect but doesn’t damage the colour).

Blot hydrogen peroxide onto the colour generously and let it sit for 30 minutes. Use your usual laundry detergent to wash the fabric.

Bicycle Grease Stain

Grease is made of emulsified soap mixed with vegetable oil or mineral that make it a semi-solid lubricant. As you start to handle a bike regularly, you will have grease stains on your clothes.

The longer a grease stain stays on a garment, the harder it is to remove stains.


Sprinkle some cornstarch or a powder on the grease stain, then shake out the garment before washing. Rub liquid soap, a bit of baking powder and laundry detergent into the colour.

Let it soak in for several hours, and then wash the garment you usually wash. Let the garment dry naturally.

Condiment Stains

Ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise all make our sandwiches tastier, but when they spill on your shirt, they quickly left a stain.

Each condiment has its unique flavour and requires different cleaning solutions to tackle the colour it leaves behind.


First, begin by using a spoon to scrape away excess spillage of the condiment from the cloth. Sprinkle baking soda or corn starch on the stain.

Let this sit for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse. Apply dry-cleaning solvent to the colour. Blot with a clean cloth. If the stain remains, apply the cleaning solution. Rinse with fresh water.

When washed, air dries the fabric by either lying flat or hanging from a clothesline. Don’t place it in the dryer until you are sure the stain is completely gone.


5 common summer stains and how to remove them. Summer is upon us and we want to help you look your best! If you struggle with stains, there are some simple solutions that can help you clean up and look your best.

We hope you find these tips helpful and that you enjoy a stain-free summer!

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day!

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