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What Attracts Carpenter Ants

What attracts carpenter ants? During spring and sometimes during autumn, you may begin to notice carpenter ants in your home or inside your yard.

You see them crawling through some parts of your residence, searching for food and water. If you don’t do anything about them, not just once but twice, these stubborn insects will eventually get into a habit.

They become increasingly demanding by leaving pheromones that attract other scavengers to your space. But have you ever wondered what attracts carpenter ants in the first place?

We wanted to find out – so we know exactly when they show up at our homes. The odd thing was that there was no one single answer.

What Attracts Carpenter Ants

things that attract carpenter ants

Carpenter ants love water, especially when nesting in wet wood. Carpenter ants are not interested in eating the wood but want something hollowed out for them and their babies to live in after establishing a colony there during the spring or summer months.

Outside your home, your yard or garden is ideal for the ants to live and breed. Once you’ve become aware of a potential carpenter ant invasion, take appropriate steps right away – seek professional exterminator assistance ASAP.

How do Carpenter Ants Enter a House?

Ants of different species have several entry points when it comes down to entering your home, or in this case, carpenter ants, as their name suggests.

A network of holes and cracks along the walls, open windows, and gaps underneath the doorway are easily accessible for these creatures to make their way inside your home.

There are also those pesky drains and gutters that can allow them entry with a few drops of rainwater.

They can get in almost anywhere, so you shouldn’t be surprised if you find that they’ve already set up camp somewhere indoors!

For prevention’s sake, keep reading below because we’ll show you how to get rid of carpenter ants effortlessly.

Where Do Carpenter Ants Get Their Food?

Carpenter ants are attracted to the food they might find within your home or office. Taking a bite will not hurt them; it’s the fact that humans come into direct contact with the insect venom.

Carpenter ants live in holes and tunnels made from wood scraps, so when you begin to notice carpenter ants around your home, it may be a sign of an infestation or other hidden termite issues which require inspection by a professional.

The ants carry the pathogens on their legs and bodies back inside the nest where they live, protecting them from extermination efforts by humans.

To ensure this means left untreated, do not attempt to eradicate their nests yourself, or they will find a way back in through cracks and crevices. Instead, trust the local specialists at JPS Pest Control.

Why Do You See Carpenter Ants On Your Deck Or Porch?

The reason behind carpenter ants appearing on your deck is that there are piles of leave or debris underneath the deck. These piles of decaying organic matter attract carpenter ants.

They’re there to nest – likely due to other bugs in the stack attracting carpenter ants. Once carpenter ants are on your deck, they can easily sneak inside your home.

So, to avoid this, it’d be best you keep the area below your deck clean. It’ll reduce the chances of ants sneaking inside your home.

How familiar is the Presence of Carpenter Ants in the ground?

As carpenter ants enter your home from the yard or garden, many believe that carpenter ants live in the ground. However, carpenter ants do not make nests in the background like termites.

Carpenter ants primarily make nests in hollow areas within walls or floors. They build their enclosures out of wood chippings and may also specially target timber structures by consuming a layer at a time.

This can become quite dangerous. Yet more than anything else, they fancy moist wood as it is a rich food source.

So they are drawn to anything with high moisture content, including colonies of aphids and other insects.


What attracts carpenter ants. To summarize, here’s what attracts carpenter ants in a home – High levels of moisture inside the house, the Presence of moist wood in the yard or inside the home; Carpenter ants build nests in damp wood and eat other bugs like termites that are in and around your home, Food materials like organic debris including leaves and food waste can attract ants to your home.

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