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Random Large Ants In House

Random large ants in house. Carpenter ants are notorious home enemies that often invade people’s homes during the spring and summer months. But, do you know what happens when they all seem to disappear?

Well, carpenter ants tend to disappear continuously throughout the year – and we will now explain why they reappear.

Sometime after December-February is when certain carpenter ant colonies go underground to work on their nests – and it can last anywhere between 3-6 months.

For some reason, these carpenters then swarm back out in large numbers for about 4-8 weeks in late spring and early summer – at which point they suddenly leave your yard again for another 2-4 month period!

If these ants return to your property ever again, get help from us professionals from local pest control in LA.

We’ll help you smear repellents and spray away any carpenter ant nests so as not to keep seeing such pests around in town every year.

Random Large Ants In House

carpenter ants in house

Carpenter ants are a bit larger and come in different colors, but they are usually blackish of color.

Sometimes a once-a-year swarm of winged carpenter ants will emerge within a building.

Such carpenter ant swarms usually appear in the spring and definitely mean that there is a colony residing in your framework.

How Do Carpenter Ants Look?

Carpenter ants are destructive black ants that often infest homes in America, especially during the spring and summer months.

When these giant black carpenter ants mature, they grow to around half an inch in length with a prominent head followed by their thorax.

The abdomen of the carpenter ant is a thick tear-drop-shaped rear end that attaches to the thorax. There’s a common node where this appendage connects, and it’s pretty visible if you pay close attention to the anatomy of these black carpenter ants.

Following are the signs of carpenter ants in the house:

1. Carpenter Ants Sightings

Seeing one or two ants is cause for concern as it could mean you have a significant infestation of carpenter ants in your home.

You’ll want to make sure you check all the usual suspects, like kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets, and anywhere that has had previous water damage.

Additionally, some places are more likely to be infested with carpenter ants than others. Have you ever wondered why?

Each colony tends to prefer one type of food over another, so if there are even a few other ant colonies nearby with different dietary preferences and establishing their territories nearby, then there’s a good chance they’ll create crossing paths at your house.

Even if there aren’t any other colonies nearby (they keep their distance from each other), so long as your house is a communal food source for various types of ants, your home will be prime real estate for many different breeds of ants.

2. Wooden Materials Are Covered With Sawdust

wooden materials are covered with sawdust

Sawdust is fine wood dust that drops off from the pieces of wood if you drill in them.

One type of wood insect that enjoys burrowing into wood is the carpenter ant, which makes little piles of sawdust at the base of an infested piece.

Another such kind of insect is a termite. They can be identified not by their appearance but by their actions: they bore into wood and ate it, converting it to sawdust before forming a caste system inside the colony.

3. Wooden pieces and structures have tiny holes

Whenever you find tiny holes in wood, especially wooden pieces, within your home, it’s a worrying time. Tiny holes indicate that one of two things has happened.

Either carpenter ants have been drilling into the wood to make their way inside to lay eggs, or winged termites have emerged from inside, leaving behind opened exit holes!

Tiny holes caused by insects like these are glaring red signs. They can mean many worrying things, such as carpenter ants in your home or even a massive dry wood termite infestation, which can cause significant structural damage.

If you notice tiny holes like this on wooden parts of your HouseHouse, now is the time to act immediately, so call pest control at once.

4. Carpenter ants from outside crawling into your home

Seeing trails of random black ants and most bugs entering your home from the yard is a clear sign that carpenter ants are in your home.

Why? Because carpenter ants, and most bugs, emit pheromones – a secretion that they discharge to lead other ants to the food source.

In some bugs, secretion of pheromones is a pre-cursor activity before mating. That’s one of the ways to attract a mate!

These trails of ants or other bugs lead to nests or places from where they are getting their food, which can be your kitchen.

5. Walls and wood structures make scratching sounds

Many people tend to think that if they see ants out in the open, they may be carpenter ants, but this happens to be false.

The thing about carpenter ants is that they like dark, moist places to nest, and it so happens that their choice of building materials for their nest is wood. Happen to hear a scratching sound coming from your walls or the framework around the home.

It could be the sounds of these insects working on a high-rise at night, in which case you must act immediately before it becomes an even bigger problem than what it already is.

6. Flying Ants Emerging Through Holes in Wooden Structures

holes in wooden structures

Now this one is the worst sign that you have an ant infestation. It means your home has become the center point of ants who sustain their entire life cycle in your home.

As you know, these winged ants are alates, reproductive ants. They’re getting out of the wooden piece where they spend their time as larvae.

These alates can move out of your home, but if your HouseHouse is big enough, they won’t return to those places once they’ve been cleaned up and will instead spread to other areas.

Even if you don’t see the alates, you’ll know that you have an infestation if you spot dead ants or broken wings lying around on surfaces inside your home.

Ways of Getting Rid Of Carpenter Ants

  1. Keep Carpenter Ants Out of Your Home.
  2. Carpenter ants can be easily caught using ant traps or baits to draw them out of hiding.
  3. Carpenter ant sprays should be used on the nest of Carpenter ants.

Is it possible for Carpenter Ants to bite?

Carpenter ants can bite you. They have strong mandibles that can pierce your skin, leading to a burning sensation and painful feeling.

The carpenter ant bite is not as painful as a bee sting but not too far behind in terms of pain levels. Carpenter ants can also inject a liquid known as formic acid on the bitten area that aggravates the pain.

Also, these insects don’t carry any venom, and they don’t transmit any diseases. They are not very aggressive like fire ants but understand that they will defend themselves if threatened with their mandibles.


Besides finding and killing individual carpenter ants throughout the year, there are some other reasons why they may be leaving your home in droves during colder months. Some of the most common reasons carpenter ants leave homes include their food search or colonies can’t survive during winter temperatures. As mentioned above, carpenter ant activity tends to spike during warm seasons. But when springtime comes, you’ll want to watch out for these little critters once again.

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