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Bugs That Look Like Baby Roaches

Bugs that look like baby roaches. Baby roaches are miniature and have difficulty getting rid of their cockroach look-alikes.

When they can’t tell the difference between baby roaches and other bugs or have trouble knowing how to get rid of these unwanted pests, it becomes tempting to use bug control methods that will not kill off the pest invaders.

In this article, you’ll gain insightful information about five bugs that look like baby roaches. This is essential because some may wonder what’s in a bug if there is none on hand for inspection purposes.

By learning their distinguishing characteristics and their needs/wants to survive in your environment, you’ll be better able to choose methods that will get rid of them, once and for all.

Bugs That Look Like Baby Roaches

Small cockroaches are smaller versions of the average cockroach that can be found in homes. They include the German and Brown-Banded species.

The Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach is also small in stature but is significantly bigger than both the brown banded and German cockroaches with an average measurement of 1 ½ inches long and ¾ inches wide – nearly twice as big!

Small Cockroaches generally hide during the day and come out at night to mate and forage for food.

1. Bed Bugs

baby bed bugs at home

Bed bugs get their name from their preference for hiding in beds rather than other items found in homes; they prefer this due to their ability to go long periods without food.

Many people are surprised that bed bugs scatter – meaning that they generally try and split up when they’re in danger.

In contrast, their species’ more minor and less-developed will hide under mattresses or pillowcases.

Signs that you could have a bed bug problem include finding red or black spots on your curtains, sheets, or furniture.

Minor marks on your skin after sleeping, and clear evidence of squashed eggshells. Bed bugs tend to be expensive and challenging to get rid of.

2. Red Flour Beetles

red flour beetles

Red flour beetles are pantry pests that share many similarities with both American cockroaches and brown-banded cockroaches, although they are not related to these two types of insects.

Like the roaches, the red flour beetle’s oval-shaped egg capsule can be observed on its back if it lands on a surface after turning into its adult form.

And like white flour, beetle larvae are indicated by an orange hue at their joints – you may also notice their dark tan coloring in areas such as underneath its thorax or middle part.

3. Drugstore Beetles

drugstore beetle black bed bugs

Drugstore beetles belong to the family of Coleoptera and are also known by another name, the Confused flour beetle.

They look like baby mealworms with a reddish-brown coat and oval-shaped body (much like ladybugs) to the untrained eye.

However, their size is half (or less) than that of a mealworm beetle at approximately 5 mm to 6 mm.

Another surprising thing about them is their ability to fly and, thus, their presence in homes.

Moreover, despite these being mainly pests found in clothes, they can still infest various food products – much unlike other coleopterans that prefer secluded locations or damaged food containers/products.

On average, though, this pest species can destroy up to 20% of stored grain/food products it comes into contact with, as well as badly damaged clothes and even wooden furniture.

4. Booklice

booklice bugs

Booklice are tiny bugs that can live in old books, cardboard boxes, and other paper products. They look similar to German baby cockroaches.

Brown booklice are thin and have a yellowish tint to their bodies, much like the brown baby German roach, also known as the “American cockroach” (a very commonly confusing name for these bugs).

Booklice feed on the mold that Develops by infesting old books, while white ones resemble an albino baby cockroach.

Booklice don’t do any significant damage to your home or anything inside of it; however, they do tend to destroy some grains if allowed access in closed containers.

5. Carpet Beetles

carpet beetle larva

The carpet beetle larvae are tiny blackish worms with hairy bristles on their back.

Proactive parenting of carpets and mattresses can protect your home from these damaging pests: the hairs on your carpeting act as an effective deterrent against carpet beetles while also helping to avoid any chance of stains.

Avoiding cracks and gaps and sealing them up can prevent adult carpet beetles from even entering your home in the first place.


Bugs that look like baby roaches. Out of these five insects, we’ve picked the Bed Bug, which has a more elongated head and thinner antennae! This post showed you the differences between baby roaches and these flying bugs.

Baby roaches are attracted to heat and light rather than moisture like most Bed Phantom ants whose bites are painful. Baby roach’s lookout for soft, moist environments, while bed bugs are expert hitchhikers that assimilate into that home environment.

The best way to catch them as soon as they invade is by not neglecting your gut feeling when something in your home is out of the ordinary or potentially unsafe.

However, there are many other ways to detect their presence – bird’s eyes being one such trick because the shiny print on their bodies makes them exceptionally easy to track down, significantly if there is thinning taking place around wiring junction boxes.

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