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Kenmore microwave troubleshooting not heating

Kenmore microwave troubleshooting not heating. Microwave ovens are an important part of our daily lives. These are kitchen appliances that work by electricity. It is the most effective and efficient way to reheat food.

You can often face the issue of Kenmore microwave troubleshooting and not heating. This can be stressful as it can make your Kenmore microwave not function properly. This can occur due to many unknown reasons.

To solve this issue, you need to know why this is occurring.

Kenmore microwave troubleshooting not heating

Kenmore microwave troubleshooting not heating 2022 guide

The following are some reasons why your Kenmore microwave is troubleshooting and is not heating properly.

Diode is burned

Every Kenmore microwave has a special diode that performs some important functions. This diode is used to boost the voltage; along with this, it also gives power to another structure that is known as a magnetron.

Then this aids in heating the food. Due to any reason, this diode can burn down, which can stop the process of heating in the Kenmore microwave. Due to the burned diode, the Kenmore microwave would not get enough voltage to heat the food.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be solved by disconnecting your Kenmore microwave and then removing the burned diode from it.

After this, you need to install a brand new diode in it. After this, check it again to see if it is still working. In this way, you can easily resolve this issue.

Door switch is faulty

One of the leading reasons your Kenmore microwave is not working can be the door latch or the door switch causing trouble.

Every Kenmore microwave has about three or four door switches. If you face heating difficulty, this could be due to these door switches that are not working.

Solution to this problem

As Kenmore microwave is an electrical device that can be hazardous to you, ensure nothing is plugged in, and all the wires are disconnected.

Then check the switches with the help of a multimeter if it is working or not. If you see anything damaged or broken, then try to repair it.

If it cannot be repaired, you have to replace it to avoid such a problem. Also, replace the defective switches.

Capacitor is damaged

Capacitor is damaged

One of the common reasons that your Kenmore microwave is not working and is troubleshooting can also be due to its damaged or broken capacitor.

Kenmore microwave ovens come with a capacitor that stores some specific amount of electrical energy in them. It then also transforms the output when required and needed.

Sometimes, due to some unknown reasons, this capacitor gets damaged or burns down, which can cause the abnormal working of the Kenmore microwave.

If this capacitor ceases to work, then you cannot reheat the food in your Kenmore microwave.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be easily solved by disconnecting your Kenmore microwave oven and removing the damaged or burned capacitor. Then install a new capacitor in it, and you are good to go.

Thermal fuse is blown

Thermal fuse is blown

Another reason your Kenmore microwave is not producing enough heat can be due to the blown thermal fuse. Every microwave oven has its thermal fuse that cuts off the power.

This happens when it detects high temperatures. Your Kenmore microwave can not function properly if any such problem exists.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be easily solved by replacing the blown-away thermal fuse with a new one.

Transformer is damaged

Another reason for your Kenmore microwave troubleshooting and not heating can be due to a damaged transformer. You can also smell an unpleasant odor when your transformer is damaged or burned.

Due to the damaged transformer, the specific amount of heat is not produced that is needed for the proper heating of food in the Kenmore microwave oven.

Solution to this problem

The best way to get rid of such a problem is to remove this broken or damaged part and replace it with a functional one.

This way, your problem of troubleshooting the Kenmore microwave oven and not producing a specific amount of heat can be easily solved.


There can be many unknown reasons why your Kenmore microwave oven is troubleshooting and is not heating properly. The best way to solve any issue like this is first to locate and inspect properly what is causing this issue. Then try to solve it. This way, you can easily fix your Kenmore microwave oven that is troubleshooting and is not working properly.

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